High school students everywhere are facing massive disappointment with how many extracurricular activities have been torn from them. Athletes can’t compete, performers won’t perform, leaders of school clubs can’t run meetings, summer jobs, internships and programs have disappeared from the landscape.
The question is….how will you react? Colleges that read future applications are sure to ask what you did, once COVID hit, when you were granted a large chunk of discretionary time. What books & authors did you explore? Did you make masks ? Did you create uplifting messages contained in art or music or theatre and find a way to spread those messages to your community? For athletes, did you think about how the pandemic has affected your favorite sport? Write a blog about it! Did you find a way to volunteer from home in the political arena? Did you spend time helping to care for someone in your family? Did you learn how to cook and create menus & meals to help carry the load at home? Did you become the de facto homeschool teacher for a younger sibling or cousin? Did you take painting classes online and learn some new skills? Did you find a way to teach a skill virtually? Did you get involved in some kind of fitness activity from home? Did you curate a themed film festival and hold virtual events? The possibilities are literally endless!
Colleges are actually excited to see what students will do creatively to fill their time and feel it will be far easier for them to see a student’s authentic self contained in “post-COVID” applications. Spend some time thinking about what you really care about and what you want to learn about and just go for it!
There are a lot of unknowns right now, but one thing is clear. High school students have suddenly been given the rare opportunity to choose what to do with free time, during a crazy shared experience unlike any other. So get something started!!!!
Contact us if you need help brainstorming.