Juniors: Plan To Manage Your Time Effectively

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For students, learning how to manage time between academics & extracurriculars takes practice and discipline. With eight hours of “seat time” a day—piling on the extracurriculars may be difficult for some students to handle. Participate in an appropriate amount of … Continued

Juniors: Rising senior summer checklist

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You have nearly finished your junior year and you will soon be known as a “Rising Senior.” Want to make senior year MUCH better? A lot can be done this summer to relieve the fall pressures surrounding college applications. Start … Continued

Juniors: Keep your college list balanced

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In the college world there are “hidden gems” out there — many just as academically rich & affordable as the UC’s. Admission to the UC campuses has become unpredictable and many admission experts are now referring to the UC’s as … Continued