“What extracurricular activities will impress colleges the most?” That’s a question we hear frequently from students, and our answer is always the same: “Do what you love and make your mark.” That’s it, end of story!
Colleges are interested in students who are active on or off campus, doing what they love and the ones who show initiative and true leadership really stand out. Extracurricular activities really help students learn about themselves & also show college admissions officers they are involved who have a lot more to offer than just an impressive GPA. Freshmen and sophomore years are the perfect time to try many different activities so you can zero in on your unique passions later in high school. So get busy finding activities you love, anything you like!!!! That’s who colleges want to attract to their campuses!
Can’t figure out what activities may interest you? There are all sorts of options, both on and off campus. You interested in music? Join choir, learn an instrument, try marching band, write lyrics, attend concerts! You like politics? Get into student leadership, join Youth in Government, read the newspaper, volunteer at the polls, sign up for a summer leadership conference. Get the picture? Whatever you are interested in, go for it. Explore and search out what you care about.
Does your child want help finding a unique extracurricular path? Call us at (818) 207-0263 to set up a one-on-one consultation.
You won’t know what you like doing until you have a chance to try lots of things. Look for different options in order to find one that is a right fit for you. Are you interested in the arts, sports, community service, science, outdoor adventure, leadership? You can explore whatever you want! Test the waters and be open to trying new things. You might be surprised by what you learn and experience while participating in these activities.
We help students brainstorm to help guide them in their quest for activities that fill them with joy. For some, finding ideal extracurriculars can be challenging, but we work with students to find out what their interests are and offer suggestions & ideas.
We spend a lot of time researching programs that resonate with our students’ interests and passions. We’re well versed on programs & opportunities that exist. Having knowledge about these programs, we’re able to offer helpful suggestions to students who are seeking to find new, exciting extracurricular paths.