Fierce competition has made the UC’s what we call a “wildcard” when it comes to getting admitted. With thousands of applications being submitted from all over the U.S. and the world, the UC admission reps have become more holistic and discerning. From skyrocketing test scores and GPAs, to unique extracurricular involvement, the competition to become a part of the UC system has increasingly become more difficult, especially in the past couple of years. So, what does that mean?
Pay attention to every detail of your application and work on it daily. Although college applications can be tedious, make sure every component is filled out correctly. We hear about plenty of students who work diligently in high school, but then slap together college applications quickly and end up with poor results in the end. Examine your entire application for potential spelling or grammar errors and make sure you have included robust descriptions of your activities & awards. Work hard on your essays to end up with coherent, well thought out statements that have been through multiple drafts!
Call us at (818) 207-0263 to get help on your UC applications.
Work hard on your 4 “Personal Insight Questions.”
College admission reps have thousands of applications to read so make sure they remember yours. Answering those four questions thoughtfully and well is your best chance to really show college admission reps who you are, so speak from your heart. Dedicate enough time to write and rewrite multiple drafts until you’ve crafted something worthy of who you are!
We provide brainstorming and guidance throughout the writing process. Knowing how to start your writing is a daunting roadblock causing many students to procrastinate. We learn a lot about our students while working with them throughout the process and we use this background knowledge to help brainstorm and develop various topics ideas. A strong essay complements a solid college application and we want our students to be competitive applicants wherever they apply.