
AP Exams Update

The College Board announced this week that many of May’s AP exams will be administered online, allowing students to test at home. These exams will be computer-, mobile-, and tablet-friendly and College Board has made a commitment to work with students who don’t have technology access. (

In addition, 2020 AP exams will be shorter, as the College Board has decided to only include information that teachers would likely have covered by mid-March. Each exam will be offered two times, so students have date options. Some of the details are still pending, including the specifics of the online platform the College Board plans to use and the new exam schedule, but the College Board plans to release that information on April 3rd.

The shift to at-home testing raises concerns about test security, but the College Board is confident that it has the correct protocols in place to prevent breaches. Even though the test will be different than it has been in years past, the College Board states that colleges will treat these AP exam scores the exact same way.

Contact us if you are in need of help in prepping, and we will do our best to try to connect you to the right tutor: (or 818-207-0263)