Juniors: Research colleges

posted in: The College Search | 0

You need to take the helm with college research–your education’s at stake! You’re the one going to college–not your parents. Take the initiative and become familiar with the colleges you might be interested in applying to. While your parents may … Continued

Freshmen/Sophomores: Try Different Activities Until You Discover What You Love!

“What extracurricular activities will impress colleges the most?” That’s a question we hear frequently from students, and our answer is always the same: “Do what you love and make your mark.” That’s it, end of story! Colleges are interested in … Continued

Western Washington University Review

posted in: College Review | 0

Western Washington University is a gorgeous mid-sized public university (16,142 pop.) located in Bellingham, Washington, just south of the Canadian border with Vancouver. The forested long, narrow campus takes about 15-20 minutes to walk from end to end and the … Continued

Which Students Are a Good Fit to Study Abroad as a Freshman???

We’ve witnessed a notable surge of more and more students wanting to spend their entire college education in another country, so we thought we’d talk about what that experience involves and what type of student would be a good fit … Continued

Do I Need a COVID-19 Statement On My College Applications?

Seniors around the country grappled with all sorts of stressors, complications and hardships due to COVID -19. Colleges appreciate and understand and really want to know if a student has struggled with anything due to the pandemic, so they can … Continued

Whitman College

posted in: Uncategorized | 0

Whitman is a small college in Walla Walla, WA – a quaint college town within walking distance of the school. The surrounding farmlands have been turned into vineyards, moving the demographics of the region from somewhat conservative to more progressive … Continued

Get Out and Tour Some Colleges!

posted in: Uncategorized | 0

Get out and tour some campuses, to better understand the myriad atmospheres & personalities of each college and “type” of college. Stepping foot onto campus gives you better clarity—is this a place I could live for four years? Would my … Continued

Navigatio on the Road: UC Merced

posted in: Uncategorized | 0

As UC Merced approaches their 15th Anniversary, they are on the move with growing and building. They will be doubling the size of their campus by 2020, and expanding their student population to about 10,000—– still a nice mid-sized university. … Continued

Rising Seniors: 12th Grade Matters!!!

posted in: Uncategorized | 0

We’ve seen students lighten their academic load senior year because they erroneously think it doesn’t matter to colleges—definitely not advisable. Colleges want to see the “most recent you,” academically speaking, so it is important that you continue to demonstrate your … Continued

Why Test Prep Matters

posted in: Uncategorized | 0

2019 Update: Students can plan for August SAT and/or Septemeber ACT. There will be no July ACT in California or New York. Here’s what you need to know about testing: Higher scores can result in BIG scholarships. Students & families … Continued

Why Test Prep Matters

posted in: Uncategorized | 0

2019 Update: Students can plan for August SAT and/or Septemeber ACT. There will be no July ACT in California or New York. Here’s what you need to know about testing: Higher scores can result in BIG scholarships. Students & families … Continued

Campus Clubs: Get Involved!

posted in: Uncategorized | 0

Colleges want to fill their campuses with good students who will also make an impact socially—it makes their schools more interesting. Active participation in high school builds important social & organizational skills. Take on a leadership role, fundraise for a … Continued

Why Take Summer Classes?

posted in: Uncategorized | 0

If your student feels overwhelmed with the demands of high school, consider a summer school plan. Students who enroll in summer school can open up time for non-academic pursuits during the school year—giving them a chance to explore more with … Continued

University of the Pacific

posted in: College Review | 0

University of the Pacific is a small (3548) private oasis located in residential Stockton, about 1 hour south of Sacramento. Pacific’s campus is stunning and classic, with historic brick buildings and tree lined pathways snaking throughout the 175 acres, and … Continued

Sophomores/Freshmen: Student-Athlete Tips!

posted in: Athletes | 0

Colleges appreciate student-athletes’! Working as part of a team focuses a student on collaboration – student-athletes are expected to balance academics with hours of practice, competition and social lives—quite an impressive feat if done well! Showing colleges that you can … Continued

Quest University Review

posted in: Navigatio on the Road | 0

Quest University is set in glacier carved mountains and fjords on the sacred ancestral lands of the Squamish Nation. Located about 1 hour north of Vancouver, Canada, the campus sits in a truly stunning location. Quest University was founded in … Continued

Navigatio on the Road: U Penn

posted in: College Review | 0

Penn is a large (10,275 undergrads, 9,500 grads) Ivy League campus located in Philadelphia, just west of Center City. The mossy architecture and tree-lined grounds are as impressive, and the campus is really quite lovely. Undergrad schools include Liberal Arts, … Continued

Plan Your Summer Now!

posted in: Extracurricular Planning | 0

Summer is the perfect time to take on new and exciting opportunities. You’ll give yourself a chance to experience something new & enhance your creativity. Creative summer activities could potentially propel you toward a more layered & interesting future. Whether … Continued

Why Should You Take AP Classes?

posted in: Uncategorized | 0

Colleges are interested in admitting students who challenge themselves. Not only can you impress colleges with your academic prowess, but you’ll feel more prepared for college level courses once you get there. Here’s how they are similar to college curricula—they … Continued

Why Test Prep Matters

posted in: Testing | 0

Testing Update: The July ACT will NOT be offered in California or New York in 2018. There will be an August SAT for students who want to test during the summer, so please plan accordingly. Here’s what you need to … Continued

Hot off the press: UC Tips!

posted in: College Essays | 0

We recently met with college admissions directors from all 9 UC Campuses and were able to glean crystal clear tips for student success– here they are, hot off the press! Tips for UC Applications! Great Applications Take Time: Don’t rush … Continued

Brandeis University

posted in: The College Search | 0

Brandeis is a small liberal arts school (3319) in the Boston suburbs, founded in 1948 because at that time if a student wasn’t white, Christian and male, it was hard to get admitted to college. Brandeis wanted to create opportunities … Continued

Oregon State University

posted in: Navigatio on the Road | 0

Oregon State University (OSU) is a large (23,903 undergrads) public university with the unusual distinction of being a land grant, sea grant, space grant and sun grant institution (Cornell University is the only other one). What this means is, lots … Continued

Parents: How Can You Inspire Your Kids to Aim for College?

posted in: Parent Corner | 0

It’s all about envisioning themselves there! Get your student on some college campuses early in high school to increase excitement about their own futures. Look at college websites together, read reviews (https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org or the Fiske Guide (https://www.amazon.com/Fiske-Guide-Colleges-2017-Edward/dp/1402260679) as examples. Check … Continued

Rice University

Rice University is a gorgeous, highly prestigious research university set in Houston, Texas. The Spanish Mediterranean architecture literally took my breath away when I stepped onto campus for the first time. Rice was founded in 1912 after William Marsh Rice … Continued

Why Take Summer Classes?

posted in: Academic Planning | 0

If your student feels overwhelmed with the demands of high school, consider a summer school plan. Students who enroll in summer school can open up time for non-academic pursuits during the school year—giving them a chance to explore more with … Continued

Why Should You Take AP Classes?

posted in: Academic Planning | 0

Advanced Placement (AP) classes make an impact by letting you start college-level work early! Not only can you impress colleges with your academic prowess, but you’ll feel more prepared for college level courses. Here’s how they are similar to college … Continued


posted in: Navigatio on the Road | 0

Villanova is a lovely suburban Catholic university (6600) founded by the order of St. Augustine, located along the Main Line, just 30 minutes by train to Philadelphia. This classic gothic campus with heavy school spirit is a perfect place for … Continued

Gonzaga University

posted in: Navigatio on the Road | 0

Gonzaga is a small Jesuit university located in Spokane, Washington— scattered along the north bank of the picturesque and well enjoyed Spokane River. Forty nine percent of GU students identify themselves as Catholic. Following the Jesuit tradition of education, they … Continued

Parents: The College Transition

posted in: Parent Corner | 0

Your brand new college freshman is on the brink of leaving home— it’s the moment you have all been preparing for. After months of tearing your hair out– dealing with college searches, test preparation, procrastination, daunting admission deadlines, fear of … Continued

Coping After Graduation

posted in: Seniors | 0

The post-graduation summer can be emotionally taxing for parents and students alike. Recent grads are exhilarated with the brand new feeling of independence, yet feeling trepidation about their future. Parents are facing the prospect of parting with their children—and are … Continued

HS Grads: Preparing for college

posted in: Seniors | 0

Congratulations!! You just graduated, but there are still plenty of steps to complete on your way to college. Don’t miss any deadlines and pay all deposits on time in order to avoid any issues or delays. Monitor your email! That’s … Continued

Why Test Prep Matters

posted in: Testing | 0

Special Testing Update: The new SAT will be released in March 2016. Since it will take some time to get the early kinks worked out, we recommend (Class of 2017) focusing on the ACT for now. As updates occur, we … Continued

Plan Now for Summer

posted in: Extracurricular Planning | 0

High school students are ALWAYS looking for ways to optimize college admission outcomes, and planning well for every single summer is a key way for students to set themselves apart by making very personal choices. Want help figuring out your … Continued

Juniors: Plan To Manage Your Time Effectively

posted in: Juniors | 0

For students, learning how to manage time between academics & extracurriculars takes practice and discipline. With eight hours of “seat time” a day—piling on the extracurriculars may be difficult for some students to handle. Participate in an appropriate amount of … Continued

Juniors: Colleges want to feel loved

posted in: Navigatio News | 0

Tell colleges you are intrigued with their campus and interested in their programs! Showing your interest can boost your chances of getting admitted. Colleges want to know not only that prospective students will bring a positive vibe to the campus—they … Continued

ROTC Language Scholarship Quest

posted in: Military-ROTC | 0

Do you have an affinity for acquiring foreign languages? Would you be at all interested in becoming a military officer? There are excellent ROTC Language Scholarships that can pay up to 100% of your college education if you learn an … Continued

Seniors: Get Your UC Apps Started

posted in: Navigatio News | 0

Fierce competition has made the UC’s what we call a “wildcard” when it comes to getting admitted. With thousands of applications being submitted from all over the US and the world, the UC admission reps have become more holistic and … Continued

Seniors: Start your college essays now

posted in: College Essays | 0

Spend your summer before senior year working on college essays. Rising seniors often spend their break in total “relax” mode–not realizing they could be working on personal statements for college applications all summer long. The very BEST college essays involve … Continued

Post-graduation expectations

posted in: Parent Corner | 0

The summer after senior year can be emotionally taxing for parents and students. It may be difficult to cope with the realization that your child is all grown up and  ready to move onto college. For some parents, this may … Continued

Juniors: Rising senior summer checklist

posted in: Juniors | 0

You have nearly finished your junior year and you will soon be known as a “Rising Senior.” Want to make senior year MUCH better? A lot can be done this summer to relieve the fall pressures surrounding college applications. Start … Continued

Juniors: Keep your college list balanced

posted in: Juniors | 0

In the college world there are “hidden gems” out there — many just as academically rich & affordable as the UC’s. Admission to the UC campuses has become unpredictable and many admission experts are now referring to the UC’s as … Continued

College review: Baylor University

posted in: College Review | 0

  Baylor University is the oldest and largest Baptist University in the world –they are set in Central Texas halfway between Austin & Dallas in Waco, the birthplace of Dr. Pepper! Students looking for a Christian-based education with a LOT … Continued

Is summer school for you?

posted in: Academic Planning | 0

Summer school can definitely help make life a little easier during the academic year, which for some students can be a true blessing. If your student feels overwhelmed with the demands of high school, consider a summer school plan. Students … Continued

Make your summers count

posted in: Sophomores | 0

If you’re in high school, it doesn’t matter how you keep busy during summer break, but do something you care about! Find a job, an internship, a pre-college program, a summer school or enrichment class, travel somewhere to concentrate on … Continued

The scoop on AP classes

posted in: Academic Planning | 0

AP courses let you start college-level work during high school. Not only can you impress colleges with your academic prowess, but you’ll get early preparation for college level courses. The curricula for AP courses are similar to what you can … Continued

Seniors: Visit your colleges before committing

posted in: Seniors | 0

Visit the colleges on your “short list” before sending in that deposit. College tours give first-hand knowledge of the vibe on each campus allowing you to evaluate all aspects (e.g., academic, social, etc.) so you can intelligently and intuitively decide. … Continued

Parents: Talk to kids about college

posted in: Parent Corner | 0

Incorporate college discussions into everyday life. Going to college should be considered a typical milestone in a kid’s life and the more it’s incorporated into everyday family discussions, the more your child will know the importance of it. The family … Continued

How to prepare for college tours

posted in: The College Search | 0

Research colleges, sign up for official tours & info sessions on college websites. Make good use of all the resources available to you. Actively seek out dates for college tours and info sessions by checking out different college websites. Taking … Continued

Test prep matters

posted in: Testing | 0

Focusing on test prep can dramatically improve your scores. The score you get on your SAT or ACT can play a major role in determining where you are admitted to college. With little preparation, obtaining high scores on standardized tests … Continued

Seniors: Time to apply for scholarships

posted in: Seniors | 0

Look for scholarships that are somehow connected to you, your family, or community and apply for them — your family’s unions, churches, employers or organizations you have been involved with throughout your life. Outside scholarships are an excellent way to … Continued

Juniors: Manage your time effectively

posted in: Sophomores | 0

For students, learning how to manage time between academics & extracurriculars takes practice and discipline. With eight hours of “seat-time” a day, piling on extracurriculars may be difficult for some students to handle. Participate in an appropriate amount of outside … Continued

Seniors: Submitting the FAFSA

posted in: Parent Corner | 0

File the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) after January 1st of your senior year (even if you think you won’t qualify). Submit your FAFSA application whether you think you’ll be eligible or not for financial assistance – for … Continued

College review: Beloit College

posted in: College Review | 0

Beloit College is a small college (1300 students) located in Beloit, Wisconsin which was once described as a microcosm of America with its mix of races and economic brackets. Officially their mascot is the Buccaneer though over the years they’ve … Continued

Seniors: Help with starting UC apps

posted in: Seniors | 0

Fierce competition has made the UC’s what we call a “wildcard” when it comes to getting admitted. With thousands of applications being submitted from all over the US and the world, the UC admission reps have become more holistic and … Continued

College review: Bates College

posted in: College Review, UCs | 0

Bates is a small (1753 students) liberal arts college located in Lewisburg, Maine – a working class town surrounded by gorgeous natural terrain. Bates feels they attract students who are constantly in search of knowledge, in a happily intense way. … Continued

Start your college essays now

posted in: Seniors | 0

Spend your summer before senior year working on college essays. Oftentimes, rising seniors spend their break relaxing–not realizing they could be working on personal statements for college applications all summer long. The very BEST college essays involve serious introspection, writing … Continued

Post graduation expectations

posted in: Seniors | 0

The summer after senior year can be emotionally taxing for parents and students. It may be difficult to cope with the realization that your child is all grown up and ready to move onto college. For some parents, this may … Continued

Is summer school for you?

posted in: Navigatio News | 0

Summer school attendance offers myriad benefits to help make life a little easier during the academic year. Students who enroll in summer school can open up time for extracurricular activities such as part-time jobs, volunteering, clubs, hobbies or sports involvement. … Continued

Make your summer count

posted in: Sophomores | 0

It doesn’t matter how you keep busy during summer vacations, but do something you care about! Find a job, an internship, a pre-college program, a summer school or enrichment class, a volunteer opportunity or better yet–dream up something original. Summer … Continued

Seniors: Preparing for graduation

posted in: Parent Corner | 0

Don’t let senioritis ruin your high school efforts. When senioritis strikes, seniors often lose the motivation to maintain their efforts in their classes and coursework. Having already received college acceptances, students may find they no longer have to work hard … Continued

AP test results matter!

posted in: Parent Corner | 0

AP courses let you start college-level work during high school. Not only can you impress colleges with your academic prowess, but you’ll get early preparation for college level courses. The curricula for AP courses are similar to what you can … Continued

Balance your college options

posted in: Parent Corner | 0

In the college world there are “hidden gems” out there that can be just as interesting & affordable as the UC’s. Admission at the UC campuses has become unpredictable and many admissions experts are now referring to the UC’s as … Continued

College review: University of the Pacific

posted in: College Review | 0

University of the Pacific, recently ranked 5th prettiest campus in the nation, is a small private oasis (about 3,500 students) located in residential Stockton, about one hour south of Sacramento. Pacific’s campus is stunning and classic, with historic brick buildings … Continued

University of Redlands

posted in: College Review | 0

University of Redlands is a gem of a school set just over an hour east of downtown Los Angeles.  A peaceful sanctuary from the big city, Redlands is graced with sprawling lawns for students to study and relax on.  Redland’s … Continued

Helping Your Student Succeed in High School

posted in: Freshmen | 0

Many parents are under the mistaken impression that once their children start high school, they should be on their own to organize themselves.  Students, especially in early high school often need some help structuring their study time—this pattern can really … Continued

Northern Arizona University Highlights

posted in: College Review | 0

Northern Arizona University (NAU) is a public educational gem surrounded by mountainous terrain just one hour away from the Grand Canyon in Flagstaff, Arizona. California kids love NAU’s four seasons and charming artsy college town atmosphere. If the cost of … Continued

College Sports Recruiting Tips

posted in: Athletes | 0

Student-Athletes experience college admissions in a WHOLE different way than all other students. For one thing, they start the process by the end of sophomore year, sending optimally 50-80 initial letters and athletic profile resumes to colleges around the country, … Continued

Do Your CSU Research!

posted in: CSUs | 0

There are 23 universities in the California State University (CSU) system, and at first glance, they all seem to be pretty much alike.  Not so when you dig deeper!  Navigatio attended the CSU Counselor Conference this week gleaning unique details … Continued

What’s Happening at the UC’s?

posted in: UCs | 0

  Navigatio attended the UC Conference at UCLA, gearing up for the college application sprint! Applications open October 1st, so get those essays in shape.   The very best college essays are edited and rewritten several times. Here’s a nice UC … Continued

Summer Enrichment: Spanish Immersion Opportunity

posted in: Extracurricular Planning | 0

Full language immersion pushes a student’s brain far beyond classroom learning, and the language mecca of Antigua, Guatemala is a perfect place to dive into Spanish. Students travel from all corners of the globe to learn to speak, read, write and … Continued

A College Fairy Tale

posted in: The College Search | 0

Once upon a time in California, high school students could confidently apply exclusively to state schools knowing they would get a solid education at a good price.  Unfortunately, as the all too frequent news stories report, that time is gone… lost … Continued

The University Trek

posted in: The College Search | 0

Navigatio traveled 8300 miles, across 19 states, touring 27 different colleges… all in the past three weeks. Why would we do such a thing? Why would we wear ourselves out RIGHT when it’s time to slow down to enjoy summer, … Continued

Chicago College Scene

posted in: College Review | 0

Being a college counselor has its perks… like getting to tour the “windy city” when flowers are blooming everywhere, college students are buzzing with the anticipation of summer excitement and Lake Michigan is shimmering. Navigatio College Consulting ventured around Chicago … Continued